The few things accomplished in the past 2 weeks were the mudding/taping/sanding of the walls and ceiling was completed, the gas fireplace was installed and the new screen doors were installed. Yesterday, the painters began and that should be complete by the end of tomorrow. Thursday the new interior doors are to be installed.
Things have to move somewhat quickly thru the end of next week because the cabinet maker doesn't have any more room in his shop. All of the cabinet boxes and doors are built already and are in the process of being stained. He needs to get them out of his way so he can start doing the countertop. Before he can start his install, the kitchen floor has to be installed...and that makes me super excited! The changes will start to be drastic again, and I can't wait to see it start to come together. There are still a ton of things left to do though, so patience is still the number one focus!
I love how the gas fireplace is turning out so far. The old brick was so dark, having wall space above the mantle will brighten the room I think.
I was hoping to get a better pic of the old paint against the new, but this is the best I could get...they did the first coat of the entire upstairs in 1 day! The old color is at the bottom of the wall. Taylor said the new color looks like a white where we have smoked in the place for 10 years! Too bad, I love it!
It has a slight yellow tinge to it, but only in certain lights, and that's ok...
I was surprised at how one coat of paint made such a positive impact on the look and feel of the space.
More of a browny tinge in this light, and that's ok too!

This screen door in the back porch is so cool! The screen is retracted at the top of the window, and when you pull the window down, the screen rolls down too, and then retracts back up when you roll the window up! It was too cold to bother getting a shot of it down :) The front door now has a phantom screen, and there are no pics of that either!
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